June 17, 2012

for my father

My dad--drinking coffee of course! photo by mama.

      Papa, when I was little I would sit on your board-
straight towards that blue horizon.
I was never scared you know
I knew you, the strongest man in the world, were right there
It still happens, no matter where we are or what kind of situation we're in
When you're right there 
I'm safe
My dad, the strongest man in the world

Here on earth we are fallen-nothing is perfect.
Only our Father in Heaven, our savior Jesus--only He can love perfectly.


It's a good example of our Heavenly Father, right?
No matter where we are 
He's with us 
We're safe
Our Father IS the One True God

Thank you Papa
For being my earthly father
For all that you are, all that you teach us, all the adventures.
Thank you most of all
for guiding us towards our Heavenly Father
and our inheritance and abundant life in 

I love you so much and I am so grateful to God for you!
Happy Father's Day!

The righteous man who walks in integrity—
     blessed are his children after him!
Proverbs 20:7


  1. What a lovely poem, Emi and Happy Father's Day, Mr. B!

    Love in Christ,

  2. What an amazing poem, Emi! :-)



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