July 10, 2012


My brother/best friend turned twelve years old on saturday.
He is so original, creative, super smart, amazing, fun, brave, good-hearted, Christ-loving... all around great kid.
He is five years younger than me, so I get the best of both worlds--I get to be the 'big' sister and we're also really close. He's my pal.

Meet Henry.

A few weeks ago, he and I went to the park to shoot some photos...we had so much fun. He was very obliging and even wore this snappy vintage outfit, because  he's just cool like that. ( =
Notice the hat? He effortlessly wears hats and has a growing collection. This boy is the man.

Henry boy, just know that I love you so much and you are the best brother we three girls could hope for...you are a gem!
I pray the Lord would continue to grow you into a young man after His Heart!

Love always,

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! Love that boy, and you described him to a T!

    Love you, Em!!!


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