January 5, 2010

I have not posted since October 20th...of last year ( scary how time flies). My sabbatical was unintentional, I had every intention of posting often, but of course...as you can see, that didn't happen.  I had planned to post photographs and updates, especially when my baby sister Elizabeth was born, but, as is evident, that didn't happen either ( but the 'Ode to Elizabeth' post will hopefully be coming soon. ). 

Elizabeth ( or 'Lil Bit' as we often refer to her ) is, by the way, unarguably adorable, sweet, cute,  chubby, precious, charming, intelligent, hilarious...you get the picture. 

Speaking of little sister, I might as well add that my 'little' (well, he's nine, but he is still little to me. I'm sure all you big sisters understand) brother Henry is all the aforementioned adjectives, minus of course the chubby part= ]. I love him to bits, and cry when I think how quickly and how much he has grown in what feel like nine short years.  

I  geuss while we are on this subject of siblings, my older sister Hannah is my dearest and closest confidante, and I really should try to never irritate or irk her, when you consider it was I ( 3 years ago) who put that crack in her hopechest Dad made her (it was an accident...although you know as well as I do that 'accident' is an empty word ) and do you know what that sister of mine did? She told me not to worry and asked dad to not be upset. That is a good sister for ya! 

I can see that this post is slowly morphing away from what I had originally planned, and that is that one of my New Years resolutions was to post once a week if not more. And I am asking you all to keep me accountable if you see my resolve is weakening and more than a week has passed without out even a miniscule 'hello'...be hard on me if you see I 'm not posting, you won't hurt my feelings--and if you do it'll probably be good for me.[ =
I hope this year is blessed as together we forge through all our weaknesses and doubts and fears and pursue rightousness as pilgrims and strangers in a strange land. It is a strange land, but a beautiful land...and a beautiful life, thanks to God.

Happy New Year!!!



  1. Dearest Emi-lu/Betty:

    I ♥ Hannah, Henry and Elizabeth! (You too m'dear, of course =D)

    Anyway, Lovely to see you post and be prepared for mean, unforgiving, and scathing comments from Yours Truly if you dare to miss a week. =D (I'm only kidding you know. The comments will only be just plain mean. =D)

    Sorry, I was on a I-m-trying-to-be-humorous tangent.

    Must go. Already there is another week of positively delightful chemistry ahead of me (did you pick up on the sarcasm?) and I also need to continue the set up of the Book Club website. Now THAT is fun. (No sarcasm intended there =D)

    Love you sista!

  2. Happy New Year! (I enjoyed reading your post, btw. :)

  3. Thanks for the comment!! Blessings!


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