October 20, 2009

The Long Awaited 'Honest Scrap'

Well, I have finally gotten around to it...here is the 'Honest Scrap' tag! *applause*
The rules are 1)thank the person who tagged you...MANY THANKS  Cassie!!!
and 2) share 10 honest things about yourself.
Here goes...

1. I have lived in the same house for my entire life.
    As a matter of fact, I live in the house my Grampa grew up in. It was built in 1950 and it is a beautiful home... small, but beautiful, and a true blessing.

2. I have been drinking coffee ever since I was but a wee one. I turned out fine...I think. [ :

3. I have never been stung  by a bee. 

4. I love to paint with watercolor. I have made quite a killing selling Valentine's Day cards at our coffee shop.
I find it so beautiful that God gave each of us talents that we can use to provide for ourselves
and bring Him  Glory.

5. I love vintage fashions and costumes. I love most things vintage,retro or antique.

6. I am a dyed -in -the -wool doodler.
    I always find something to sketch on, be it a scrap of paper or ( ssshhhhhh) the margins in my     schoolbooks...just ask my mum.[ :

7. I am very fond of history. Very.

8. If you haven't noticed, I am not very proficient at blogging.

9. I am infamous for my scathing, witty critiques.
                   A blessing and a curse.

10. I love to make people laugh.

                           ~The End~

I hope this even ever so vaguely amused you. I certainly hope!

God Bless all of you!



  1. LOVELY, Em!!! I missed you and Hannah terribly today, but I had enough school work to keep me busy for a month, so I did manage to get QUITE a lot done.

    I happen to very much enjoy your scathing and witty critiques. They are a wonderful part of what makes you the girl I love.

    Well, dear, God willing I shall see you tomorrow night.
    Your friend and "sister"

  2. Thanks for following my blog!!


  3. Hey there SIs,

    You are infamous for those scathing, witty critiques.
    Being your sis and all sometimes I don't realize just how witty you are, until I hear someone laughing like crazy at your quick wit. You know what I am referencing.... anyways, I think it is pretty neat to be able to say 'yeah, she's my sister':).
    Thanks for the laughs!
    Loved your post.


  4. Very funny post! I'm actually half way to 32, so I'm not that old. I just don't want EVERYONE to know. I know, it is hard to find like minded friends on blogger. AmandaBeth & i go to the same church, which is nice. She is such a beautiful person.
    You should do a couple book reviews of your favorites. I would love to read them!!

  5. Great answers! I like your blog :)


  6. Em- Hey Betty! I have so many friends sitting on my bookshelf right now! I love how books can trap memories and when you reread a book, those memories come flooding back!
    XOXO (Ditto) Ananka <3

  7. This is in reply to the comment that you left on my blog:


    Well, thank you M'dear! The top is new. On Monday I bought it from Anthropologie with a gift card from Aunt Kristin. It is navy corduroy and is the softest thing ever. I am wearing it right now in fact. =D

    Isn't Georgia so beautiful and grown-up? I am so proud of her and it makes me glad to watch her grown into such a lovely young lady. Pretty soon we'll be saying the same thing about Cora and Elizabeth. Can you believe it? I don't even want to.

    Thank you for your comment. I had been missing you terribly and hearing from you completely brightened my day. I'm praying for Elizabeth and I am aching you see you and your family soon.

    XOXOX, Cassie/Ananka <3


I love hearing from you!