October 20, 2009

The Long Awaited 'Honest Scrap'

Well, I have finally gotten around to it...here is the 'Honest Scrap' tag! *applause*
The rules are 1)thank the person who tagged you...MANY THANKS  Cassie!!!
and 2) share 10 honest things about yourself.
Here goes...

1. I have lived in the same house for my entire life.
    As a matter of fact, I live in the house my Grampa grew up in. It was built in 1950 and it is a beautiful home... small, but beautiful, and a true blessing.

2. I have been drinking coffee ever since I was but a wee one. I turned out fine...I think. [ :

3. I have never been stung  by a bee. 

4. I love to paint with watercolor. I have made quite a killing selling Valentine's Day cards at our coffee shop.
I find it so beautiful that God gave each of us talents that we can use to provide for ourselves
and bring Him  Glory.

5. I love vintage fashions and costumes. I love most things vintage,retro or antique.

6. I am a dyed -in -the -wool doodler.
    I always find something to sketch on, be it a scrap of paper or ( ssshhhhhh) the margins in my     schoolbooks...just ask my mum.[ :

7. I am very fond of history. Very.

8. If you haven't noticed, I am not very proficient at blogging.

9. I am infamous for my scathing, witty critiques.
                   A blessing and a curse.

10. I love to make people laugh.

                           ~The End~

I hope this even ever so vaguely amused you. I certainly hope!

God Bless all of you!


September 10, 2009

Note from Florence Nightingale

" I would earnestly ask my sisters to keep clear  of both the jargons now current everywhere 
(for they are equally jargons) ; of the jargon, namely, about the ''rights'' of women, which urges women to do all that men do, including the medical  and other professions, merely because the men do it, and without regard to whether this is the the best that women can do;and of the jargon  that urges women to do nothing that men do, merely because they are women, and should be ''recalled to a sense of their duty as women'' and because ''this is women's work'',  and ''that is men's'' and ''these are the things which women should not do'' which is all assertion and nothing more. Surely woman should bring the best that she has, whatever that is to the work of God's world, without attending to either of these cries. for what are they, both of them, the one just as much as the other, but the listening to the ''what people will say'', to opinion, to the ''voices  from without?'' And as a wise man has said, no one has ever done anything great or useful by listening to the voices from without. You do not want the effect of your good things to be ''How wonderful for a woman!'' nor would you be deterred from good things , by hearing it said ''yes, but she ought not to have done this, because it is not suitable for a woman.''
But you want to do the thing that is good  whether it is ''suitable for a woman'' or not.It does not make a thing good, that it is remarkable  that a woman should have been able to do it. Neither does it make a thing bad, which would have been good had a man done it, that it has been done by a woman.
Oh, leave these jargons, and go your way straight to God's work, in simplicity and singleness of heart."
-Florence Nightingale

September 9, 2009

''But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the LORD a day is like a thousand years,and a thousand years are like a day."
-2 Peter 3:8 

Hey Everyone!
So, in case you haven't realized it yet...today is 09-09-09. And in case it hasn't sunk in... this won't happen for another 1000 years! Think about it. So, before this day is gone, make sure you remember it. You can tell your kids about it, your grandkids, hey, even your great grandkids!
( If you're blessed with longevity... your great great grandkids! : ).

To make a long story short, treasure today. You'll be glad that you did.
God Bless!
Love in Him,

P.S if you missed it, mark your calendars now for 10-10-10. Tee-hee!

August 24, 2009

A Lesson From Louisa

''If you dear little girls would only learn what real beauty is, and not pinch and bleach and starve yourselves out so, you'd save a great deal of time and money and pain. A happy soul in a healthy 
body makes the best sort of beauty for man or woman."
~Uncle Alec from Louisa May Alcott's Eight Cousins.

I recently met with an old, dear friend of mine,Louisa May Alcott through her book Eight Cousins. Why don't they write books like that anymore? Books that are human and real, but also very beautiful and idyllic. Books that make you want to be a better sister, friend and human being. While the characters are admirable, with good character, they still have their trials and tribulations just like the rest of us.  
I truly believe that quote at the beginning of this post. I wonder what Uncle Alec would think of todays pinching,bleaching and starving? I don't think he ( or the mind behind him, Louisa May Alcott) would be very popular in todays image-obsessed world.
Now I'm not saying we can't be beautiful, or want to look nice. Our God is a God of Beauty, look at nature! What I'm saying is, that before we start worrying about our outside we need to give our inside a good, hard look. Self examination of what is inside our hearts and minds may often be painful, but is the most beneficial beauty treatment there is.
I often forget that, and begin to think I'm of more worth if I am gorgeous. To the worlds way of thinking, that may be true. But thankfully, our Father in Heaven loves us and cherishes His children no matter what we look like. It makes no difference if we look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame or a runway model, He loves us unconditionally. Thank you, Lord Jesus.
And thank you,dear Louisa, for reminding us.

Joyfully in Him,

P.S If you have never read Eight Cousins, you should ( if you have the time ).

July 29, 2009

Hi Everyone! 
    Tomorrow we are going to visit my Great- Great Uncle Jim and Aunt Ellen in Oakhurst (CA)!
So, when I get back I'll do the tag I got from Cassie, and...(drumroll please)...I will tell you the tale of  what happened to me on the way home from Farmers Market yesterday.
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Joyfully in Him,

July 28, 2009

My First Tag!

Thank you, Hannah!

What time is it: 1:49 pm
What was the last outdoor activity you did: I went for a walk.

Do you have an email address: I share one with my family, and for the record, that suits me just fine! ( :

How long have you been on the computer: Maybe a half-hour.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone: My Dad.

Are you happy right now: These are some nosy questions! [ :

How many pets do you have: None.

Do you have a playlist: Yes.

Are you having a fun summer: I sure am.

What book are you reading now: A Land So Strange.

Do you like your blog: As a matter of fact, I do.

Who gave you your first tag: This IS my first tag! I got it from my sister Hannah.

What are you doing tomorrow: A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

How long have you been on blogger: 3 days.

How many times have you changed your profile picture: I never have, but I REALLY want to!

One thing you want now: A cheese quesadilla with guacomole, and  a big glass of horchata! Mmmmmmmmm!

Have you seen the new Star Trek: No way, Jose!

Is your profile name your real name: Yes.

What is your favorite animal: I love Pandas. ( !!!!!!!!!!!! )

What is your favorite movie: The Last of The Mohicans and the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice. 

Who is your favorite fictional character: I have so many favorites, BUT, my very favorite is Uncas from The Last Of The Mohicans.

Are you hungry: I'm hungry for a cheese quesadilla with guacamole!

I now tag: Kristen
and My Dad

God Bless!
P.S Have a great day!

July 24, 2009


  My name is Emily, and WELCOME  to my blog, 'The Song of The Sea'.
'The Song of The Sea' is found in Exodus 15 and it is a song of praise to 
God for His Deliverance, Provision, and Love.
I decided on this name for my blog because when I was little I chose a Bible
name for myself, and it was Miriam. When the Israelites sang this song to worship 
God, it was Miriam who led the women in singing and dancing, rejoicing in The LORD
and all of His Mercies.  Another reason I chose this name was that it reflects my
Jewish heritage, by way of Eastern Europe. My Dad is half  Jewish, so that makes me,
you guessed it, a quarter Jewish. I am so grateful the LORD has blessed me with this 
in my blood, and that I am a part of the story. ( I hope that doesn't come across as pride.)
And the last, but not least, reason I chose 'The Song of The Sea', happens to be that I have 
salt water in my veins. I love everything about the ocean, (except,of course, the pollution and 
garbage : ). When I go inland, faraway from the water, I start to feel claustrophobic and 
trapped. My siblings and I have  happy memories of driving with my Dad,( he's a surfer and a real groovemeister at that)and looking for any passably good surf  and wasting gasoline : ].
''Well, I believe that concludes today's tour, please exit carefully and watch your step.'' Teehee!
I look forward to hearing from you!