October 13, 2011

thoughts on blogging

I've been thinking about my blog lately... 
It's about to grow.
I began this blog with the intent to post about daily happenings, my walk with the Savior, photo-journaling my life, my family, chronicling my little siblings childhood, my art, creative endeavors,  
natural living, food and cooking,  little and big things that I love... the list goes on. I didn't intend to post sporadic writings that, because I was in a rush to 'finally post something', did not convey very accurately who I am and what I had desired this blog to be. I would say 'My blog isn't the one I would like to have, but I don't have time for it to be different'. Not enough time. Could that really be true?

Everyday it seems I have something I would love to write about, pictures I would love to post, adventures I would love to share, that it can no longer be an option for me to not have enough time. Obviously, I have very little time. But time can be made. Thinking of all the little, unimportant things I waste time on...I realize that blogging can be squeezed in somewhere. It has to be. I had been thinking about all of this, and talking to my mama, and she told me that she wanted me to blog the way I'd wanted to in the beginning, sharing my life with writing and photos, creatively and productively...as a family record, and for my grandparents to enjoy. Well, having mama say that in her kindness and wisdom clinched it for me.

I want this blog to thrive. I want it to be productive.  It is something I've wanted to do for such a long time. I pray the endeavor will strengthen my skills in writing, photography and creativity
(and time management *grin*), I pray that  it will bless my family as I journal our life, that it would encourage and inspire you in some way, and most of all I pray that the LORD would receive all glory and praise.

 I won't be posting all the time, but I hope my blog will start to take the shape I had originally intended.
I'm excited!

Thanks for being on this journey with me.


 This post needed a picture, so here's one  I took this summer. It's no longer summer, but today has to be the warmest day we've had this year...so a summer flower photo is appropriate. ( = 
My mama told me this lovely flower is called Jupiter's Beard.


  1. Lovely post, Emi! I can't wait to read what you want to share.

    I miss you bunches!!!


  2. Such haven of rest and beautiful things...what your blog is to me. I love it. And. I love peeking through the window of your life on here. You are a beautiful soul sweet LiLi and I for one (among many I'm sure) and HAPPY you blog.



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