January 11, 2011


I won these earrings!

Polka Dot is starting a photography business, and asked readers to give suggestions for a business name. If anything 'struck her fancy' the earrings above ( made by Cinderbella's) were to be given to the winner. Well, I entered 'Chasing Sunbeams'...and she used that idea for her business, 'Chase the Light'.

I can't quite describe it, but it seems like such a big step for me, I don't know where or why, but I feel a sort of excitement bubbling up!(It's hard to put into words, so forgive that last bit.)

This was my first time entering a give-away, and I won!

My mama always said I was a moniker-maker. *grin*

Can you tell I'm just a wee bit cheery?



P.S. the earrings came today! Wrapped in a sweet box with a pretty pink bow. Aaah, the little things in life.

1 comment:

  1. Darling,

    They are adorable!

    Love you bunches!



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