January 22, 2011

even if I don't herd cattle, ride or rope...

... I'll always be a cowgirl.
My sister Hannah, age 17 (that's a picture of her at right when she was much younger-7 or 8), is a true-blue cowgirl.
I love this quote:

" 'Cowgirl' is an attitude really. A pioneer spirit, a special American brand of courage. The cowgirl faces life head-on,...makes no excuses. Cowgirls take stands; they speak up. They defend things they hold dear.''
~Dale Evans

I like that. Pioneer spirit. American courage. Defending things we hold dear.
Whether you live in a city ( like me), the country, or somewhere in the middle, we should strive to be
Are any of you cowgirls? I really want to hear from you!



  1. I'm trying to be a cowgirl too! Helping round up those tired, weary and needy with other believers to share the love of Jesus with them and help bring them into The Herd, or at least point them heavenward...I'm so glad to share the ride and same posse with you. Yee Haw! Via con Dios, Emilitta I LOVE YOU!!!! Mamalisa

  2. Just remember, that you also gotta get boots in every color!!!!! You are a beautiful & amazing young lady who has inspired me to be a better person. We sure are part of a wonderful family, keep that pioneering spirit and keep searching heavenward in all you do! God Bless You, angel.

    Love & Grace to you,
    Aunt Ingrid


I love hearing from you!