August 11, 2010

counting my blessings

This photo is a perfect example of how God blesses us in little ways. I found these flowers on the sidewalk when we were in San Francisco last summer. I felt God's presence was so near. I love how the flowers appear to be glowing in this picture...perfect. Speaking of blessings...

...Before you is a list of 25 things I'm thankful for.
Looking over the list, I am so blessed!

Here they are!

1. My salvation in Jesus Christ. Thank you, Father!
2. my super family...
3. my mama
4. my papa
5. my baby sister
6. my little brother
7. my big sister
8. and the fact that we all have a great relationship--my parents and siblings are my best friends. Thank you, Jesus, for my amazing family!
9. I'm homeschooled! YES!
1o. I've grown up constantly surrounded by music...
11. ...and art
12. the sorrow that has deepened my character
13. a house that is a home
14. food
15. the ocean!!! And that I live near it in all it's magnificence. Bliss.
16. our coffeeshop. It is awesome to be a part of a small business, to have grown up like this.
17. my life
18. the Bible. God's Word, total Truth. And He has given it to us to read and study and love.
19. coffee
20. TEA!
21. SMOOTHIES!!!!!
22. flowers...jasmine, freesias, lavender, daffodils, tulips, sunflowers, roses, and on and on...
23. drawing and painting, one of my talents from God.
24. singing (this should probably be in the top ten, but I'm not really doing this in order.) I love
to sing, and I am always singing. Always.
25. every day, every breath, every heartbeat I've been given.

Note: only the first eight are in order, the rest are random things I'm thankful for.

How are you blessed? Make your own blessings/thankful post on your blog, and leave me a comment! Share the love, and encourage others to do the same. You'll be blessed, I promise you. *grins*



  1. Hey Em!
    I miss you so much! Beautiful picture by the way! Love reading your blog still!


  2. HI! This is me chakra syangbo. From Nepal, it is located right in Mt.Everst.

    Yes Emily,I would love to watch your blog. when see first time your blog, it made me a so pricious my life. thanks for the encourage me. actualy i was cherching a this type of blog to grow with word of god to the kingdom of god so, i believe it can be helpful for me Emily your this blog. I will share my testimony & blesses on next time. just right now i wana comment on your blog it is realy powerfull blog to increase kingdom of god. ones again i would like to thanks to giving me this great privileage. bye .. god bless you in your every moment of life god is with you forever.. take caer.. see you......

  3. Chakra,
    Wow! I was so excited to get your comment! You see, the country of Nepal has always fascinated me, and my grandparents have been there! My grandparents visited Tiger Tops in Nepal, are you familiar with it? I have seen and heard so many things about your country!
    I feel so blessed that my blog has been an encouragement to you. I owe everything to the LORD Jesus Christ, and I am so grateful to encourage others.
    How in the world did you find my blog? I am so curious. I also look forward to hearing your testimony! What is it like to be a Christian in Nepal?
    This is so exciting for me, because I pray for Nepal often, and I think it is a fascinating country.
    Thank you for your comment!
    In Christ,


I love hearing from you!