March 23, 2010

Georgia Father Daughter Retreat

I just wanted to tell all of you that my dad is taking my sister Hannah and me to the Vision Forum Father Daughter Retreat in Georgia this upcoming weekend. We are sooooooooo excited! I have never been to Georgia, neither has Hannah or dad. Hannah and I never thought we would be able to afford to go to one of these retreats, and yet now we are going! I am really looking forward to spending time with my Daddy.
Are any of you who read my blog going to be there? It would be great to meet you dear sisters-in-Christ.
Hope to see you there!



  1. Aah, The Father Daughter Retreat.
    Believe it or not, I'll be there too:). Perhaps we'll bump into each other. I sure do hope so!
    I'd be worried if we didn't.
    Oy, I'm such a kidder:).
    I love you,
    Your sister Hannah

  2. Hey Emily!
    I hope you are doing well?
    I won't be going to the Father/Daughter retreat. I've never actually been to one before! I hope you, your sister and dad have fun!!! You'll have to tell me all about it once you get back!

    (Can't believe you'll be on the east coast. Only two states below me!!!So close)

    Love you :)


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